Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mason Baby

Did you know that I actually have one of the cutest little girls ever made?

See... it's true!

I need your help, though; I entered a photo of Mason into the Parents Cover Contest 2012 to get her photo onto the cover of Parents Magazine. Here is where you come in: there is a chance to vote on your favorite photo of a little cutie to get them on the cover. So, PLEASE click the link below and vote for Mason. You can vote once a day through this Sunday, Mother's Day. This is my first Mother's Day as a mother, help me celebrate by getting Mason the win!

Parents Cover Contest 2012

Also, let me make it sweet for you...
After you have voted and posted the link to vote on your Facebook page, tagging Melissa Tuttle Photography (so all your friends vote, too) you will be entered into a drawing for $50 off your next photo session with me; one entry for each day that you vote and post it!

Don't let this face not win!